Fruits, Herbs & their properties

Soak in naturals gifts. The following fruits and herbs are used in our bath soaks.

  • Lemon Slices
    • Vitamin C is one of the major properties of Citrus. Lemon assists in healing skin blemishes by preventing oil from sticking to skin easily. It also acts like a natural astringent and fights aging skin.
  • Orange Slices
    • Oranges are packed with vitamin C. Adding Oranges to your bath can aid in evening skiing tone and combating the signs of aging. 
  • Grapefruit Slices
    • Grapefruit has many properties that assist in aiding the skin from the signs of time. Lycopene allows for Grapefruits to help reduce redness and inflammation. It protects and brightens your skin, leaving a youthful glow. Filled with beta carotene and Vitamin C. 
  • Strawberries
    • Strawberries are also filled withVitamin C and aid in keeping the skin ageless. The alpha hydroxy acid is an active properties and helps clean and exfoliate skin of it’s dead cells.
  • Rosemary
    • Rosemary is an herb additive that provides anti-inflammatory factors to the bath. It also has antioxidants that assist with skin beautification. 
  • Lemon Grass
    • Lemon grass just like lemon assists in removing oil from the skin. It is packed with Vitamins A and C which give skin radiance.
  • Ginger
    • Ginger is packed with Collagen, which aids in skin rejuvenation. It has anti-inflammatory properties that soothe irritated skin.