Flowers & their properties

  • Roses
    • Roses have an amazing fragrance as well  as their astringent, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties.Roses have anti-bacterial properties that makes it great for  acne and breakouts. 
  • Hibiscus 
    • The Hibiscus flower contains small amounts of vitamin C that works as an antioxidant that aids in protecting against free radical damage on the skin.
  • Lavender 
    • Lavender gives off a great fragrance and is most often used to assist with sleep and relaxation.
  • Gomphrena Globosa 
    • Gomphrena Globosa is a flower that is rich in antioxidants. This flower like roses helps to greatly prevent skin aging and keep a youthful glow.
  • Jasmine 
    • Jasmine is another full of antioxidants that keep skin looking young and resilient. Jasmine flower has been used throughout the years to help balance the moisture in the skin in order to reduce dryness without the risk of clogging pores.
  • Lily 
    • Lily flowers have great properties for the skin.  It is an alkalising flower and aids in regulating pH levels, leaving naturally glowing skin. Using this flower routine helps prevent fine lines & wrinkles. Lily is also great to soothe the scalp and amazing for hair, promoting growth and shine.
  •  Helichrysum Bracteatum
    • The Helichrysum Bracteatum has great anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. This flower has been used for the treatment of eczema, abscesses, dermatitis and psoriasis. 
  •  “Forget-Me-Not” 
    • Forget-me-nots are more than just a great sentiment. This flower contains phenol and natural flavonoids that act as antioxidants to rejuvenate the skin.
  •  Albizia 
    •  The Albizia flower contains properties that are great to use in assisting with skin irritations such as insect bites or infections (boils and abscesses).