Essential & Carrier Oil Properties

We uses several different oils to achieve our preferred scents and level of skin & self care. 

Essential Oils

  • Lavender Oil
  • Rose Oil
  • Lemon Oil
    • Boost mood, brings mental clarity and reduces stress
  • Orange Oil
    • Uplifts and relaxes
  • Grapefruit Oil
    • Balances mood                                            
  • Jasmine Oil
    • Bring Calm, uplifting and positive vibes
  • Lemongrass Oil
    • De-stressing of your body
  • Vanilla Oil
    • Relaxing, sleep inducing
  • Bergamot Oil
    • Reduces tension and anxiety
  • Frankincense Oil
    • Relieves stress, anxiety and promotes concentration
  • Chamomile Oil
    • Assists in anxiety relief, reduces anger and promotes sleep
  • Peppermint Oil
    • Reduces stress, improves mental function
  • Rosemary Oil 
    • Relieves stress 

Carrier Oils

  •  Grapeseed Oil
    • Great for moisturizing and balancing skin. It is antimicrobial and easily absorbed into skin to leave less of an oily residue. Grapeseed oil also protects from free radicals that can cling on to your skin.
  • Coconut Oil
    • Coconut oils aids in hydrating the skin and contain antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.