5 things to do to maintain good mental health this holiday season

5 things to do to maintain good mental health this holiday season

The holiday season, while it is the most wonderful time of the year, tends to be a bit more stressful and hectic than the rest of the year. And while we love our family and friends, gatherings and gift giving can be draining, even when we do it in love. This year, let’s start taking care of our mental health preemptively.  Here are five things we can do to maintain a healthy balance this month and through the year.

Set boundaries

The holiday season is all about spending times with friends and family, however we all have our limits, and they should be respected.  Set boundaries before any events as to where you are going and who you want to associate with. Set up smaller gatherings with friends and family to minimize stressful situations. It is also ok to say no to events, parties and gatherings if you feel overwhelmed. Start planning ahead of time and make sure to inform those hosting that you may not be able to attend. Getting that out of the way early is a stress reliever. Make plans to see those you care about on your time, and adhere to the boundaries you have set for others and your time.

Know your financial limits 

We want to give our heart out, but our wallets don’t always match. Then there are times when we already have 2023 goal and blowing everything on gifts this Christmas. We want to reassure you, it is ok not to get everyone everything they want. Wanting something and needing it are two different things and can affect how you purchase and budget. In conjunction to setting boundaries with family and friends, a way to ease your holiday stress is to set a realistic spend budget and stick to it. For some, doing a secret Santa type of exchange, where you only focus on one gift, can be beneficial to your mind and your pocket. Going into debt at the end of this year only leads to a frustrating new year. 

Indulge in self-care

In between the hustle and bustle, it is important to block out time to take care of yourself. Intentionally taking time out for yourself is a key part of maintaining good mental health. Whether you take yourself to enjoy a mani-pedi, a round at the golf course or a stay at home solution like a cozying up with a book or a relaxing self-care bath, it is necessary. We spend so much time taking care of others in this season that, so often, we are left feeling drained. Taking sporadic times for yourself is sure to assist in getting through this holiday season. Below are two other ways that you can focus on you and maintain a festive mood.

Create a holiday craft day to yourself

Rejuvenate your mind and regain memories of your childhood school days. Go find your favorite craft supply store and grab some great and fun holiday crafts items. Spend time creating. Coming up with handmade holiday gifts like wreaths, candleholders, paintings or anything that catches your eye. Focusing your mind on a task will allow for the stress of the season to melt away, and you have created one of a kind items to gift or to decorate your own home.

Treat yourself to your favorite meal

The soothing effects of comfort food. What is your favorite meal? When you have it, where do you go in your mind. Run away to that place for a moment by treating yourself to some of your favorites. Hot chocolate with marshmallows, A Reese's cup, mac & cheese or a plate of spaghetti. Eat something that makes you smile, and do it by yourself, so there is no judgement.


These are just five simple examples of things we can do to keep our stress at bay, gives us a bit of joy and maintain positive mental health. How do you actively work towards your self-care goals?



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